
How Much Money Does A Bodybuilder Make

How do bodybuilders make money

No matter the skill, anyone who is the best at their craft will earn a good living. Then information technology's no surprise that bodybuilders similar Jay Cutler, Phil Heath, and Kai Greene take nice homes and drive expensive cars.

But a browse through social media will show that many 2d tier bodybuilders are also living a pretty comfy life. This extends to classic bodybuilding and physique competitors too.

This may come up as a surprise to some as bodybuilding is considered a niche sport. We know that the last man on the bench of an NBA franchise or the 53rd homo on an NFL roster still makes millions. But bodybuilding, even at its peak, is on the fringe in terms of mainstream popularity.

Bodybuilders do non earn a salary, and so they must earn coin in other ways. They are independent contractors, and the ones with the best entrepreneurial spirit and bulldoze will reap the greatest rewards.

Bodybuilders earn the bulk of their income through competitions, sponsorships, trade, and diverse other miscellaneous ventures.

Competition Prize Money

An outsider to the sport of bodybuilding would probable believe that bodybuilders brand most of their money by winning or placing highly in competitions. In reality, this is a small role of their income. Some of the elevation bodybuilders in the earth only compete once per year, in a big testify like the Mr. Olympia or Arnold Classic contest.

Some bodybuilders even take an entire twelvemonth off from competing to brand improvements to their physique. If they were to compete, it would forcefulness them to diet to very depression torso fatty levels, which would obvious stall the process of packing on more musculus.

The prize money for the 2020 Mr. Olympia competition was as follows: $400,000 to first, $150,000 to second, $100,000 to third, $55,000 to fourth, and $45,000 to fifth.

Fifth place in the Olympia is zilch to sneeze at. Elevation 6 at the Olympia is considered the best of the all-time (6 seems like an arbitrary number merely it's based on how the callouts work).

With that said, $45,000 in prize coin for an upshot that bodybuilders spend upwards of xvi weeks preparing for isn't that much. Not to mention that the Olympia is the Super Bowl of bodybuilding. It'south the biggest, most prestigious show. Imagine the fifth all-time Quarterback in the NFK making $45,000 per year.

To place fifth in the biggest bodybuilding evidence in the globe and merely accept domicile $45,000 (not including expenses) is a direct indication that most competitors make the majority of their income elsewhere.


This article goes into greater depth well-nigh bodybuilding sponsorships, but here is the basic rundown. Sponsorships used to be more lucrative in bodybuilding, to the extent that once an private turned pro, they were set financially.

Upon receiving a pro bill of fare you were basically guaranteed a supplement sponsorship and a sponsorship with one of the two major publications, Flex mag or Muscular Development.

With the massive refuse of print media, magazine sponsorships are a thing of the past. However, supplement sponsorships can still bring in big money. The supplement industry is huge, so the opportunity is there for top competitors to represent a make.

Clothing, cbd, and other wellness brands also offering sponsorships to bodybuilders.


Merchandise, like t-shirts, hats, and shaker bottles, are another fashion for bodybuilders to supplement their income. This brings the entrepreneurial aspect of bodybuilding into play. Depending on the product, quality, and source, clothing can have a high profit margin.

This is where social media presence is a major factor. This can also illustrate the diversity between competition success and popularity. The best bodybuilders are not necessarily the most popular. Dana Linn Bailey had mixed success on phase, but is the most popular female competitor.

Bailey competes in women'south physique. Ask a casual bodybuilding fan who won the women's physique Olympia title last year and they probably wouldn't be able to tell you. Ask them who Dana Linn Bailey is and they'd know in an instant.

Despite the inconsistent contest results, her flag nor neglect make is one of the biggest in the entire fitness industry.

Fouad Abiad's best ever stop at the Arnold Classic was half-dozenth, but his Hosstile brand is ane of the most successful companies in the manufacture. Instead of going the route of endorsing other brands, he started his own. Abiad sells both clothing and supplements through Hosstile.

While the upfront cost tin be high, and there may be struggles early, selling merchandise can be a profitable endeavor for bodybuilders. Unlike sponsorships, the money you lot can brand is limitless. However it takes a great bargain or work and sacrifice, which some aren't willing to put forth.

Miscellaneous Sources of Income

There are countless ways for bodybuilders to make money, only many of them are one off type ventures.

Many local, amateur bodybuilding shows will have a professional come and guest pose. Guest posing is only every bit it sounds; the competitor volition pose on stage for the crowd as if they were competing themselves. Obviously they would accuse a fee to do then, and acme guys like Kai Greene tin actually command a lot of coin (specially considering he is such an entertaining poser).

Occasionally, bodybuilders will brand guest appearances at gym openings or supplement stores for a fee. Sometimes this is tied to a supplement sponsorship equally part of the contract, only sometimes they can negotiate this independently.

Other bodybuilders may maintain a total time job throughout their career, or at to the lowest degree the early part of it. Naturally, many of them make money as personal trainers, nutritionists, or posing coaches. Some choose the online route, and offering workout programs and diet plans remotely.

Professionals can typically command a high price for their services, but this is an active fashion to make additional income. In other words, they are trading time for money, which has its limitations. Selling merchandise and gaining sponsorships is passive, or automatic income.

Another source of passive income would be through selling workout programs or ebooks. A workout programme can be sold and distributed as a pdf. They can be tailored to specific goals similar muscle gain or fat loss.

Finally, a bodybuilder who creates content can make money through ad revenue. This is usually through YouTube but can also be through website ads. Lots of bodybuilders create workout and nutrition related video content. As a result, they would get a slice of the ad revenue shown on their videos.


While some may believe that bodybuilders earn the majority of their income through competitions, this is rarely the instance. Competition prize money is rather small, so even elite level bodybuilders have to expect to other means to support their career.

Sponsorships are the easiest manner to make additional income, in the sense that the company itself does most of the work. This can be lucrative for the top competitors, but there is but so much inside the marketing budget of these commonage companies to go around.

The hardest method, simply the one with the greatest potential, is to go the entrepreneurial road and launch a brand. A bodybuilder's personal brand can make considerable money through merchandise, workout programs, and YouTube ad revenue.


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