
how to get rid of algae in pond

If you are a homeowner, a fish farmer, or a natural conservationist, you will agree that crystal clear water is a prerequisite for a rich and healthy flora and fauna. For those who maintain pond either for commercial or aesthetic purposes, one major problem they deal with is the growth and spread of algae. In this post, we will address the causes and risks of algae bloom and helpful ways to combat its spread. We will also recommend a healthy but yet, effective algae controller to protect your pond from algae invasion.

What is Algae?

Algae is a broad term used to describe a large group of non-flowering plants that include but not limited to many single-celled organisms and seaweeds. Commonly called the "green stuff" by pond owners, Algae contains chlorophyll but does not possess roots, stems, or any form of vascular tissue. There are many variants of algae, but the most common ones are the suspended algae and the stringed algae. Knowing the difference between the two is going to help you protect your pond as best as you possibly can.

How to know if your pond has Suspended Algae?

To find out if your pond has Suspended algae, scoop water from your pond using clear glass and place a white paper or cloth under it. If the water appears green, then it means that your pond is infected with Suspended algae.

How to know if your pond has String Algae?

String algae are easily noticeable wherever they thrive. They grow on rocks and the perimeter around the pond. When you place your hand into your pond in affected areas, you'll notice the algae spooled around your hand or fingers. Dealing with String algae is much more challenging than Suspended algae, but that's not a problem for Songly's Ultrasonic algae controller specially built for ridding your pond of mild and the worst type of Algae.

At this point, do bear in mind that there are different forms of algae besides Suspended and String algae. Utilizing an algae eradicator or controller is your best bet for maintaining a crystal clear pond devoid of algae.

How to get rid of algae in a Pond?

There is no single way to get rid of algae in a pond, and pond owners have been known to adopt different means to make their pond algae free. Pond owners who rear fishes in their ponds adopt a more careful approach so as to preserve them while a more radical measure may work well for a fish-free pond. Talking about fish ponds, is algae bad for fish?

Are algae bad for fish?

Yes and no. For starters, algae play s a major role in enriching and preserving flora and fauna in areas that they grow. On the one hand, they are good for your pond, but should they grow excessively, and they pose a different kind of risk altogether. Why so? This is simply because for algae to grow, it uses the same dissolved oxygen in the water that fishes need to survive. So in a situation where your fish and algae are constantly in competition for oxygen, one party wins the algae. This is why it is important that algae growth is controlled and limited in fish ponds.

What Causes algae in Ponds?

An algae bloom is used to describe the overgrowth of algae in a pond, which in turn leads to a devaluation of the pond. Algae bloom endangers fish and other organisms in the pond should they grow sporadically due to their dependence on dissolved oxygen for survival. There are many reasons why algae grow in ponds. Check your ponds for any of these to be sure.

Pond feature

Is your pond shallow or deep? If it is shallow, it will be susceptible to algae growth because more sunlight penetrates shallow ponds than deep ones.

Nutrients Supply

If your pond has an abundant supply of phosphorus and nitrogen, expect your pond to be run over by algae. These two nutrients are critical for growth without which algae survival is limited or, in some cases, impossible. Heavy rainfall also triggers the supply of these nutrients.

How to Kill Algae in a Pond?

Now, as a pond owner, it is understandable that you would want to do everything that you can to rid your pond of algae, and that is why we chose to publish this article to help you in your quest for an (almost) algae-free pond. Here are a few tips to help you achieve your goals.

#1. Use Aquatic plants to your advantage

Remember, we pointed out that algae rely on phosphorus and nitrogen to thrive. Well, so do aquatic plants too. If you want to control the growth and spread of algae, consider cultivating aquatic plants in your pond that rely on the same nutrients. Plants like lilies, cattails, and watercress suck up these nutrients and prevent algae from using them to grow.

#2. Do not overfeed the Fishes

If you have fishes in your pond, do not overfeed them because leftover food will eventually become rotten, and this can be a catalyst for algae growth. When feeding fish, only give them the quantity of food that they need until the next feeding time and nothing more. To avoid excessive feeding, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions to serve as a guide.

#3. Make use of helpful tools

You can also get rid of algae manually using DIY tools like an algae net or a skimmer. Picking up algae from the top of the pond may take some time, but it works just as well. But do note that this will not stop the algae from growing again.

#4. Treat your pond using Algaecides

Another option is to utilize algaecides. Algaecides are for algae as pesticides are for pests. Spraying your pond with algaecides that contain copper will kill off the algae within a few days, but they may pose threats to natural life, especially fishes. Algaecides are not recommended for fish ponds and should only be used as a last resort in fish-free ponds.

Algae Classification

Like we pointed out in a previous paragraph, there are different classifications for algae besides the String and Suspended algae. Here is a robust list of the different types of algae.

  • Natural algae – String algae – moss algae – green algae – bright green algae – floating algae – floating green algae – green string algae – red algae – brown algae – black algae – hair algae – yellow algae – filamentous algae – copper algae – mustard algae – aquarium algae – blanket algae – planktonic algae – spirulina algae – pond algae – spirogyra algae

Pond Algae control using algaecides

To control the growth and spread of algae in a pond, here are some strategies that we recommend.

Kill the Algae

Eliminating the algae is a good first step. Killing the algae will require the use of algaecides. Do bear in mind that different algaecides are suitable for different algae classes. For instance, an ammonia-based option is very effective against green algae, while a metallic based option combined with ammonia-based algaecide is effective against black algae, which is known to be much tougher.

Algae prevention

You can also prevent algae growth by planting aquatic plants or by using algaecides in small doses. Using algaecides in pools containing fishes should be discouraged.

Surface water tension reduction

Using algaecides reduce surface tensions, causing foams to appear on the surface of your pond. Limited surface tension limits algae growth and spread.

Chlorine and pH Balance

Using algaecides to rid your pool of algae will help it recover a stable pH level, especially if the algaecide you use contains chlorine, which is effective against bacteria.

Is there a better way to rid your pond of algae?

Using Algaecides for algae control can be effective, but if you are looking to protect the fishes and other natural life of value in your pond, then using algaecides may not be such a good idea. There are other innovative and risk-free tools that are just as effective as algaecide components. One of the best options in the market today is the ultrasonic algae controller marketed by Songly.

How to get rid of algae without killing fish using chemicals

If you are looking to rid your fish pond of algae, you should be looking for an effective method of doing so without exposing the fish population to any form of risk. This is why algaecides are not recommended for fish ponds. An effective and natural way of checking algae growth is to use Ultrasonic Algae Controller.

What is Ultrasonic Algae Controller?

An Ultrasonic Algae Controller is an innovative device designed to check the growth and spread of algae in ponds rich in natural life, especially fishes. Since this hardware was introduced, pond owners and fish farmers have come to trust it for its proven method of removing algae and other degrading matter from ponds. This tool boasts a huge advantage over other traditional forms of algae remover.

Why should you use Ultrasonic Algae Controller?

Using Ultrasonic Algae Controller provides users with efficient algae control as well as other inherent advantages. When you use Ultrasonic in treating your pond, you enjoy the following.

Efficient Algae remover

Ultrasonic algae controller is one of the most efficient devices sold on the market today. Unlike other algae remover that requires self-effort to be effective, Ultrasonic does the job for you, every time. All you have to do is to place the device into your pond and set it as per the manufacturer's requirement and watch it do the job efficiently.

Optimum protection of Fishes and other valuable natural life

Products like algaecides may rid your pond of algae, but think about the risks you are exposing your fish and other valuable life to? Ultrasonic, on the other hand, does not endanger your fish and natural life. Simply put, Ultrasonic is tough on algae but gentle on Fish.  In addition to that, by eliminating algae in your pool, you make room for valuable natural life and your fishes to thrive due to an abundance of nutrients.

Cost-effective anti-pollutant device

Another thing that makes this piece of hardware so valuable? Well, you can use it as many times as you want and expect the same result instead of ordering a new set every few months. Cost-effective indeed.

Water purifier

Do you dream of having a crystal clear pond? Ultrasonic algae controller is your best bet for that cleaning your pond. It eliminates bacteria and makes it healthy for fishes, and for you.

Easy to use

Using this device is as easy as pouring anti-algae liquid into your pond. It also gets better as you don't have to worry about getting the right measurement as you would when using algaecides.  All you need to do is to set the device low frequency or high-frequency ultrasonic wave, and you are on your way to cleansing your pond

How does Ultrasonic algae removal machine work?

This device is easy to use a DIY machine. You don't require any form of expert knowledge to use it for your pond. Here is how to operate the device.

Set the parameters

Do you want a low frequency or a high frequency? The frequency you use should depend on the type of algae you are dealing with. A high frequency is advisable for tough algae organisms.

Use under the best water temperature

The best water temperature to use the Ultrasonic algae controller is a temperature between 30° degrees and 45° degrees.

Operating time

The operating time is between 5-15 minutes, depending on the size of your pond and the level of algae growth. You can use Ultrasonic as much as 10-15 times daily, as the occasion requires.

How to keep a Pond Clear?

In addition to using Ultrasonic to maintain the quality of your pond, here are few other things you can do as well.

Maintain the health of your fish

Maintaining a healthy population of fish is very important by avoiding overcrowding. If by your estimate, there are 100 water gallons for every 10 fish, then it means that your pond is overpopulated. The more fish your pond contains, the more waste they produce, and this can bring about an imbalance in water quality.

Regulate feeding based on fish population

During feeding sessions, do not feed your fish more than necessary because uneaten food will decay, leading to an algae bloom. Endeavor to feed them once in a day, but if you must feed them more than once, apply fish feeds in small doses. Don't drop feeds that they can't finish in 3 minutes.

Aquatic plants are vital

This point cannot be overemphasized. Planting aquatic plants will absorb nutrients that will ordinarily have been considered by algae. But be mindful of overplanting as this may also cause a deficiency in dissolved oxygen at night when photosynthesis is non-existent. As a caveat, not more than 60% of your pond surface area should be covered with aquatic plants.

Proper Sizing

Standard sizing of your pond will ensure that an adequate volume of water circulates every hour. Also, make sure that debris is not obstructing the flow in any way. The larger your pond per fish population, the better.

Remove debris regularly

Waiting for the debris to decay before removing them will contaminate the water and even lead to bacteria infestations that aren't good for fish. Removing environmental droppings and leftover food will keep your pond healthy and clean.

Change Pond water frequently

Endeavor to change pond water every few days or at least once a week. Make sure that at least 10%-15% of the water volume is changed periodically. If you can afford to increase the change volume, then do so.

How to get rid of algae in a lake?

Getting rid of algae in a lake naturally shouldn't be a hard thing if you know how to go about it. Here are some natural steps to take in addition to the tips shared in the preceding paragraph.

Use Barley straws

Besides food rationing and planting aquatic plants, you can use barley straws to great effects. This may come as a surprise to many, but barley straws have been used for years to prevent algae blooms, and they work as well as any other material you can think of. When you place them in a pond, and they begin to decompose, the chemicals released by the straws stunt algae growth in a pond where they are present. How quickly the straws decompose is down to several factors, but when they do, they act as healthy algae growth preventers.

Introduce creatures that feed off algae

Do you know that there are creatures that actually depend on algae for survival? Yes, there are, and these creatures are not hard to find. A common example of such creatures is tadpoles.  This creature feeds off algae. Although, their presence will not stop algae from growing in your lake, however, they will ensure that they don't spread sporadically and overrun the lake.

Do not introduce it by accident

Be careful not to introduce the algae in the first place. For instance, planting aquatic life already contaminated by algae may lead to an algae bloom. Also, pay close attention to tools like fishing lines and hooks as well as other tools you make use of. Algae can spread like wildfire within a short time, so be mindful.

Use Ultrasonic algae controller

Finally, there is no gainsaying the fact that dealing with algae in a large water mass can be quite a challenge but not so if you use an effective and dependable tool like Ultrasonic.

How to get rid of Nostoc algae?

Nostoc algae is a kind of cyanobacteria found in aquatic habitats. They are colonies of filamentous cells. They can also be found at the bottom of lakes, soil, or moist rocks. If you are currently battling with nostoc algae, consider the following steps.

#1 Increase sand grade level

If your pond is affected by nostoc algae, raise the drainage level by mixing 4 inches layer of sand with the soil. The sand will lower the soil level, which algae also depend on to survive.

#2 Do a proper water needs assessment

Be sure of how much water surrounding plants need to survive. If you overwater the plants, nostoc proliferation is probable. During the rainy season on during periods of extreme moisture, do not water the soil or plants in surrounding areas.

#3 Too much fertilization is bad

High phosphorus levels in the soil due to over-fertilization is bad for your pond and aquatic plants. Before adding soil fertilizer, test the soil to ascertain just how much fertilizer the soil needs to encourage plant growth.

Songly technology is the supplier of the Ultrasound algae controller. This device is the safest and the most effective way to rid your pool of algae without killing off the fish population in the process.

Have you been dealing with sporadic algae growth for a long time now?

Have you adopted different methods and approaches that have failed to yield positive results?

Do you want to protect your fish at all costs while combating the spread of algae?

Then, Songly's Ultrasonic algae controller is exactly what you need.

how to get rid of algae in pond


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